Mobile gold leaching plants SKIF
Mobile factories SKIF is the latest achievement in the field of electrochemical metallurgy.
Main advantages :
lack of aggressive chemicals and environmental friendliness;
no harmful discharges and emissions into the atmosphere;
the minimum number of control and measuring processes;
easy training of staff;
high productivity and speed at all stages of the process
complete regeneration of iodine-iodide solution;
the determining factor in the cost of the process is electricity;
the possibility of maximum extraction of gold, silver and platinum group metals from ores of double refractory, concentrates, electronics waste, sulfide, telluride, arsenic, antimony ores;
guaranteed maximum recovery of valuable metals using Flexicone technology compared to known technologies; full automation of the process;
low cost of the process due to the complete extraction of precious metals and reagents from the cake without multi-stage washing; reducing the time of all processes.
Iodine-iodide leaching of gold has an undeniable advantage in the extraction of precious metals from ores and concentrates compared to other technologies:
dissolution of both gold and platinum group metals;
high dissolution rate;
The pH of the solution is possible in a wide range from 2 to 9;
visual control of the color of the solution simplifies the process;
carrying out leaching in the alkaline range of pH 7-8 reduces the corrosiveness of the solution and the requirements for the resistance of equipment;
selectivity of dissolution of disseminated gold from the mineral (sulfide) matrix by adjusting the electrochemical parameters;
the advantages of iodine in carrying out regeneration by an electrochemical process;
Due to the use of unique electrochemical processes in the SKIF installations, the main drawback of the iodine-iodide technology is solved - the high cost of iodine. Iodine is completely extracted from the cake. In addition, SKIF units achieve complete extraction of gold and all dissolved elements from the cake, and the absence of multiple washings and filtering of the cake increases the speed and reduces the cost of the process.
A clean cake and no solutions are dumped into the dump.
Technical characteristics of the SKIF100 mini plant
Gold leaching cycle from concentrate (-1mm), 2 hours
Cycle of filtration, washing, solution regeneration and gold precipitation (the process runs in parallel), 2 hours
Density of working solution KI,% 10*
Total volume of working solution KI, l 250
The total volume of washing 4% KI solution, l 120
Total volume, salt concentrate KI 15% solution, l 75
Average electricity consumption for one cycle of 100 kg of loading and regeneration of the solution, kWh 5.0
Average consumption of iodine I2: 10-20g per 100 kg of ore
Average consumption of graphite electrodes: 50g per 100kg of ore
Average consumption of pure water, l/hour 10l/hour
Maximum required power, kW 3.3
Voltage, 220V, 50Hz
* For ores with a fine grinding of -76 microns, gold leaching is carried out with a solution density of 4%, so the Electrolyzer / gold extractor of the wash solution and the Nutsch filter of the cathode precipitate wash are not required.
** For sulfide concentrates with finely disseminated gold, the SKIF plant is supplied with an additional electrochemical sulfide stripping system Flexicone Fe3+ OXY.
*** Cost figures may vary depending on the composition of the ore.
Turboreactor: TR250
Reactor volume, l 250
The maximum volume of loading on solid, kg 100
Size LxWxH, cm 65x65x190
Weight, kg 40
Turbo mixer:
Power, kW 0.25
Voltage, 220V, 50Hz
Iodine filter/regenerator basic 10%
Number of cameras 10
Dimensions LxWxH, cm 65x70x150
Weight, kg 140
Peristaltic pump:
Voltage, V DC 24
Current, Ampere 15
Power, W. 360
Productivity, l/min 2x10l
Pressure, MPa 0.3
DC power supply :
Input voltage, 220V, 50Hz
Output voltage, V DC 0- 24
Output current, A 0-20
Washing iodine filter/regenerator 4%
Productivity on a regenerate - 80 l/hour
Total consumption of KI solution 4% -500l/hour
Voltage 220V, 50Hz
Power 1.9 kW
Permissible acidity pH 3~10
Dimensions 640*500*500 (mm)
Weight About 85 kg
KI solution evaporator 15%:
Capacity, l 120 l
Heater power, kW 2
Weight, kg 10 kg
Basic solution electrolyzer/gold extractor
Capacity, l 250
Size LxWxH, cm 65x65x190
Weight, kg 30
Voltage, V DC 24
Current, Ampere 15
Power, W. 360
Productivity, l/min 2x10l
Pressure, MPa 0.3
peristaltic pump
Voltage, V DC 24
Power, W. 360
DC power supply :
Input voltage, 220V, 50Hz
Output voltage, V DC 0- 24
Output current, A 0-20
Wash solution electrolyser/gold extractor
Capacity, l 120
Size LxWxH, cm 40x40x100
Weight, kg 15
Voltage, V DC 24
Current, Ampere 15
Power, W. 360
Productivity, l/min 2x10l
Pressure, MPa 0.3
peristaltic pump
Voltage, V DC 24
Power, W. 360
DC power supply :
Input voltage, 220V, 50Hz
Output voltage, V DC 0- 24
Output current, A 0-20
Nutsch-filter of cathode sediment (2pcs: main and washing)
The volume of the loading chamber 14l
The volume of the receiving chamber 14l
Filter diameter, 350mm
Dimensions mm, 400x400x550
Weight, 10kg
Vacuum pump, 1l/min
Voltage, 220V, 50Hz